Verruca Treatment in Stourbridge
Effective Solutions to Remove Verrucas
Specialised verruca treatment at Cambrian Chiropody. Our experienced team provide specialised care and effective solutions.
“Verrucae are so stubborn, they always seems to stick around, I’ve tried everything….”
Verruca have many different strains and types know as HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). They disguise themselves from your bodies immune system, so your bodies defence system doesn’t recognise them. What’s more, they’ll build a protective fort of hard skin (hyperkeratosis) to protect themselves.
- Acids
- Cryotherapy
Specialist Service
Verruca Surgery (Hyfrucation, Cutterage, Verruca Needling)
Get your verruca removed instantly.
We can offer real results for your stubborn verruca. Depending on your initial assessment, we’ll be able to offer you the options for verruca needling, verruca surgery, hyfrecation (burning out the verruca).
In brief, you’ll require a local aesthetic on your ankle (tibial block) to anesthetise (numb) your foot. The verruca is the removed and dressings will be applied, you may then require follow up appointments to re-dress the area. This type of procedure is mainly carried out by our highly specialised and experienced Podiatrists. You can be rest assured that your in safe hands with our expertise and experience.
You’ll receive the most innovative and advanced procedures that’ll get results for your painful and stubborn verruca.